Hovercraft manufacturer
Design, production, sale and service of hovercraft for personal and commercial use. 20 years of successful experience!

The Christyhovercraft team gives you an exclusive opportunity

to purchase amphibious Christy 458 OC

right away without having to wait long enjoy the freedom of movement at the nearest future!

Exclusive price for built hovercraft Christy 458 OC
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Hovercraft Christy 4 series

Christy 458 OC - economical, 4-stroke engines of American production, designed to work in harsh conditions.

Christy 458 OC - economical, lightweight, compact and spacious hovercraft with improved amphibious qualities to overcome the 45-centimeter obstacles on almost any surface.

Christy 458 OC - designed for year-round operation on any relatively flat surface and movement: along rivers, in coastal sea zones, in water areas of lakes and reservoirs, along snowy, marshy off-road, ice, sludge, sand, winter roads, shallow water with access to open areas of plain shore. As well as on the snow-covered relatively flat surface of water bodies and floating ice of open water at negative temperatures with limited time for continuous movement.

Christy Hovercraft successfully completed user acceptance tests and running tests of the Christy 458 OC hovercraft. The testing was attended by potential buyers from Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, who specifically flew to St. Petersburg to evaluate the technical parameters and the Christy 458 OC amphibious qualities, as well as to get acquainted with the production capabilities and quality of the hovercraft design.

Buyers highly appreciated the quality of the hovercraft design and made sure that the technical specifications fully comply with those stated. Amphibiousness, smoothness and exceptional mobility were especially noted - the hovercraft unloading / loading procedure can be easily accomplished by a single person within 3-5 minutes.

The hovercraft Christy 458 OC is one of the most popular models, it is successfully operated in a variety of climatic conditions: from the extreme frosts of Canada and Siberia to the humid and hot of India and Central America.

Offer valid until July 31, 2019

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